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Data Acquisition System For Air-Cond In Fke For Analysis

Loh, Wui Foon (2012) Data Acquisition System For Air-Cond In Fke For Analysis. Project Report. UTeM, Melaka, Malaysia. (Submitted)

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The standard temperature, 24°C is a comfort level of temperature to study, work or others activities. Therefore, all the government offices had been ordered to reduce the air-conditional temperature to a minimum 24°C for the purpose of reduces energy consumption. However, with the 24°C as air-conditional temperature setting, we found out that we are failed to achieve the desired temperature. The tolerance of the temperature change in the room is too high. Therefore, we have to investigate for the source of problem to overcome the temperature change or achieve the optimum temperature setting. In order to figure out the problem, we need to study more on the design of air flow system and collect the temperature to check whether there are leakages or other possible root causes. Besides, from the data collected, we can find out the optimum setting for the air conditioning which can provide the best room temperature. The project is to develop a portable data acquisition system to record and save the data for the temperature in FKE building to analysis. The developed portable DAQ is integrated by microcontroller PIC18f452, temperature sensor LM35, RTC DS1307, and SD-Card. The temperature sensor is used to measure the surrounding temperature in a closed room. The RTC is used for time tracking which allow functioning in power off mode. The SD-Card is used for data storage and data transfer from microcontroller to computer by the assist of card reader. Finally, microcontroller is function as main control which is used to control the overall system. The basic circuit is protected by a prototype housing which is designed with solidworks according to the actual dimensions of the board. The designed housing also provided the features of comfort holding and friendly user for SD-Card removing and battery exchanging purposes. The developed portable DAQ is allocated at selected closed room for further improvement. From the data collected, we are able to determine the root cause for the failure of air distribution system in FKE building. Several improvements had been conducted to solve the temperature output issues. Finally, the target of improvement is achieved where the output temperature is around 23 – 24°C, which is the comfort and standard temperature for daily activities in offices and classrooms.

Item Type: Final Year Project (Project Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Heating, Air conditioning
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General)
T Technology > TH Building construction
Divisions: Library > Final Year Project > FKE
Depositing User: Mi Azian Ab. Karim
Date Deposited: 25 Jul 2013 15:36
Last Modified: 28 May 2015 03:49

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