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Design And Analysis Of Comfort Home With Natural Cooling System

Nurhadzwani , Salleh (2009) Design And Analysis Of Comfort Home With Natural Cooling System. Project Report. UTeM, Melaka, Malaysia. (Submitted)

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This report is concentrating on the natural cooling system for a cabin, which will not require much power consumption (electricity). 1t is about how the project of an underground cooling system is continued by designing a cabin and it is built on the complete underground cooling system. Few things is considered before the real natural cooling system develops. The base is built on the site and it has 4 holes for pipes to extend them to the top of the cabin. But, before the pipe extension, walls are built with a specific design to avoid the heat transfer, either from inside the cabin and out-off it, or vice-versa. Walls are built with 3 layers of material; 2 layers of planks and 1 layer of foam. These walls are built using the concept of sandwich. The piece of foam is put between the two pieces of planks. Then, the extended pipes are connected to the wooden-box and diffuser which are located on the roof. The diffuser spreads the cool air from the underground to the whole volume of the cabin. For it to work well, the exhaust fan is put in the wooden-box before the diffuser and the sensor is put to sense the temperature changes. The exhaust fan will only work when the sensor detects the specific comfortable temperature that is to be set for the natural cooling system. The diffuser then spread the cool air and the cabin temperatures are measured before and while the cooling system is working for specific times. If the project is successful, the comfortable temperature of cabin will be achieved.

Item Type: Final Year Project (Project Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Air conditioning, Buildings -- Air conditioning, Air conditioning -- Design and construction
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General)
T Technology > TH Building construction
Divisions: Library > Final Year Project > FKP
Depositing User: Nor Ridzuan S.Kasehan
Date Deposited: 12 Oct 2012 02:54
Last Modified: 28 May 2015 03:41

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