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Development of an IoT based smart pet cage by using a microcontroller

Zainal Ludin, Azim (2023) Development of an IoT based smart pet cage by using a microcontroller. Project Report. Melaka, Malaysia, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka. (Submitted)

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As the number of people who own pets grows yearly, so makes the demand for higher-quality pet care products. This has pushed the Internet of Things (IoT) technology forward in this industry. Pet owners can use IoT technology to follow their pets' activities and whereabouts from afar, check their pets' health and even interact with them. All of these smart pet care gadgets are becoming increasingly important in the lives of pet owners. We use IoT technology in this project to create an integrated system that includes a pet food feeder, water dispenser, and litter box, which are the three most important features pet owners will be concerned about when they are busy or away from their pets, especially cats or dogs. With NodeMCU Esp8266, the three subsystems are connected to the local network. Furthermore, the information gathered by each sensor is processed and displayed on a smartphone app. Thus, pet owners can access all information about their pet's food and water consumption. Furthermore, the owner will be able to monitor their pet using a camera that will be installed inside the smart pet cage and connected directly to the apps. Additionally, the application has a controlling function that allows pet owners to dispense food and water anytime and from any location. This project will provide pet owners with an efficient, convenient, and low-cost tool for pet care by incorporating this project’s pet care system into a smartphone application.

Item Type: Final Year Project (Project Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Smart pet care, Internet of things, Pet owners, Smartphone application
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General)
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
Divisions: Library > Final Year Project > FTKEE
Depositing User: Norfaradilla Idayu Ab. Ghafar
Date Deposited: 19 Oct 2023 04:39
Last Modified: 19 Oct 2023 04:39

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