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A study of different types of engine oils on high compression ratio engine performance

Lim, Jie Han (2021) A study of different types of engine oils on high compression ratio engine performance. Project Report. Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Melaka, Malaysia. (Submitted)

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The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of different engine oil towards high compression ratio engine performance. The study focuses on impact of engine grades towards engine power and engine torque against engine speed, while other specifications are ignored. In this study, two different commercially distributed engine oil are chosen as the engine oil test specimen. The models are Yamalube semi-synthetic 4 stroke oil 10w-40 and Yamalube mineral 4 stroke oil 20w-50. The engine oils are tested in Yamaha XJ6 engine, and the test results are taken by using 800-Pro MC/ATV EC Dyno by DYNOmite dynamometer in DYNO-MAX 2010 software. The engine oils are tested in standard operating temperature of the engine. Environmental influence is negligible in this study. In accordance with expected behaviour, viscosity of fluid is decreasing with increasing temperature. SAE grading is used to describe the viscosity performance of engine oil. Higher SAE grading indicates that the engine oil has a higher viscosity and thus it flows slower. In general, engine oil with higher SAE grading is able to provide better lubrication and protection to the engine at high temperature and pressure as it is thicker compared to engine oil with lower SAE grading. However, higher fluid viscosity will lead to higher frictional loss as the fluid resistance is also higher. In fact, by ensuring the engine oil seal will not leak, low viscosity engine oil can decrease the rate of fuel consumption and boost the engine performance as the frictional loss caused by engine oil seal is reduced. In order to study the relationship between the different in engine SAE grading and power or torque loss of the engine, further investigation is required. In short, engine oil with higher SAE grading will give reduced power and torque compared to engine oil with lower SAE grading. The power and torque loss due to different engine oil SAE grading increase as engine speed increase. However, the percentage of power and torque loss decrease as engine speed increase.

Item Type: Final Year Project (Project Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Automobile Performance, Automobiles Motors, Maintenance and repair
Subjects: T Technology > TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics
Divisions: Library > Final Year Project > FKM
Depositing User: Mr Eiisaa Ahyead
Date Deposited: 29 Jul 2022 04:33
Last Modified: 29 Jul 2022 04:33

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