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The assessment of university library for certified green building compliance

Sceagan@Segaran, Danesshwaran (2021) The assessment of university library for certified green building compliance. Project Report. Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Melaka, Malaysia. (Submitted)

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There are numerous demands in Malaysia to offer green technologies in the building industry. Most new developments, on the other hand, have minimal green building technology elements, which explains Malaysia's continued presence of, and growing concerns with the environment. This study aims to assess the standard of green building index compliance inside the university library. Assessment was based on three criteria of green building index which is indoor environmental quality, energy efficiency and sustainable site planning and management. Besides, this project also to propose certified measure of green building index compliance inside the library by referring to the standard of requirements GBI for Non-Residential Existing buildings . In terms of indoor environmental quality, physical parameters such as (air velocity, temperature, carbon dioxide level, light intensity, relative humidity and air flow) was measured by using IAQ meter and velocity meter and compared with Malaysian standard 1525:2019 and ASHRAE 62.1:2016.Physical parameters measured with three different time period, out of 15 items 5 items were measured and 4 parts are achieved EQ1 (minimum IAQ performance), EQ3 (Carbon dioxide monitoring and control), EQ5 (Mold prevention), and EQ15(Occupancy comfort survey) meanwhile, EQ10(Electric lightning levels) does not meet the standard requirement of MS 1525:2019, 300-400 lux.This project also involves the calculations of Building Energy Index from monthly electrical consumption of university library over the total floor gross area of library. The BEI of university library is 148.32 kwh/m^2/year even though the BEI of library does not meet the standard requirement of GBI assessment which is not more than 135 kwh/m^2/year. Hence, based on assessing the level of green building index compliance inside the library shows a low rating level when evaluated according to the GBI rating system.

Item Type: Final Year Project (Project Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sustainable buildings, Design and construction, Buildings, Environmental aspects
Subjects: T Technology > TH Building construction
Divisions: Library > Final Year Project > FKM
Depositing User: Sabariah Ismail
Date Deposited: 26 May 2022 03:16
Last Modified: 26 May 2022 03:16

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