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Investigation On The Relationship Between Safety Features And Safety Rating A Case Study On Malaysian National Car

Nik Hassan, Nik Watikah (2019) Investigation On The Relationship Between Safety Features And Safety Rating A Case Study On Malaysian National Car. Project Report. Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press)

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ASEAN NCAP is an organization that evaluate the safety rating of the car. There are two protocol system used by ASEAN NCAP which are 2012-2016 protocol system and 2017-2020 protocol system. The difference between both protocol are the used of single rating for 2012-2016 protocol system and overall rating for 2017-2020 protocol system. Safety rating is being given by ASEAN NCAP based on crash test of the car. Safety features of the car is divided into two categories which are active safety and passive safety. This rephrase focused on passive safety only (airbag and seatbelt). This research is focused on Malaysian national car only. Three selected models of national car that have used 2012-2016 protocol system have been used in this research for calculation in the first objective. As mentioned, there is no calculation has been done before on the three selected models using the 2017-2020 protocol system. In Malaysia, there is no study about the effectiveness of safety features on national car and awareness of safety in passenger vehicles. The correlation between safety features and safety rating of the Malaysian national car will be proved. The first objective was to calculate a new safety rating point for three selected models of national car using 2017-2020 protocol system of ASEAN NCAP. The second objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of safety features on Malaysian national car and awareness on safety in passenger vehicles based on regulation body, safety features and safety rating. The final objective was to analyze the relationship between safety features and safety rating of national car. Therefore, to correlate the actual and new safety protocol by ASEAN NCAP, analytical method was used based on the Offset Deformable Barrier (ODB) values obtained from actual crash test on the selected car models. Then, to measure the effectiveness and awareness of safety on Malaysian national car, a customer survey was developed and have been sent to 515 respondents. The overall results obtained, vehicles safety rating based on new protocol increase for Model 3 and same for Model 1 and 2. The safety features equip in the vehicle models influence the safety rating of the car. Based on the customer survey, shows that male and young drivers tend to know about the regulation body compared to female and old drivers. The survey also shows that female and young drivers have more knowledge and awareness on safety features and safety rating rather than male and old drivers. In conclusion, the relationship between safety features and safety rating have correlation based on the calculation and equip features in the car

Item Type: Final Year Project (Project Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Automobiles, Safety Measures
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General)
T Technology > TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics
Divisions: Library > Final Year Project > FKM
Depositing User: Norfaradilla Idayu Ab. Ghafar
Date Deposited: 03 Dec 2020 07:14
Last Modified: 03 Dec 2020 07:14

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