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Smart Anti-Theft Surveillance System

Mohd Hashim, Muhammad Hafiz (2016) Smart Anti-Theft Surveillance System. Project Report. UTeM, Melaka, Malaysia. (Submitted)

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Closed-circuit Television (CCTV), also known as camera surveillance, is the use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place, on a limited set of monitors. It is also used to be monitored from control room to observe and monitor place that need to be secured. Motion detection is the process of detecting a change in the position of an object relative to its surroundings or a change in the surroundings relative to an object. In this modern age, a system that is more secure is a must. Nowadays CCTV is to monitor object from distance place, but now a camera that can monitor and detect body motion so that any unauthorized person cannot simply enter prohibited area also an obligation. This new research is focus to improve camera security system (hardware) which can detect human presence instead just recording it then trigger an alert to the control room or user using electronic mail system. It is also being hope to save the number of memory‘s storage being used for surveillance system. By using passive infrared, PIR and infrared, IR obstacle detection sensor. PIR is a sensor that can detect presence of body motion inside its coverage of wide lens. This will initiate an input to the Arduino Uno about the presence of motion. Next is the using of IR sensor where it turn High when there is something collide with its infrared ray which can be used to differentiate the height between animal and human. The expected result to be obtained is the sensor will be able to detect the human body motion and save the picture. This chapter mainly covers the general background of this project, the problem statement, objectives, scope, project significance and conclusion.

Item Type: Final Year Project (Project Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Electronic security systems, Electronic surveillance, Video surveillance
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General)
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
Divisions: Library > Final Year Project > FTK
Depositing User: Mohd Hannif Jamaludin
Date Deposited: 17 Jan 2018 05:18
Last Modified: 17 Jan 2018 05:18

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