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Pain Monitor And Recorder

Muhammad Nur Hidayat, Abdul Rashid Fikri (2015) Pain Monitor And Recorder. Project Report. UTeM, Melaka, Malaysia. (Submitted)

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There are various tools used to measure the pain level experienced by the patient. All the tools allow the user to express their pain in term of scales. The user is required to mark the pain scale depending on their pain experienced while enduring the pain. This tool is used for those patients who are conscious only. This is because, they know better about the pain that they are experiencing. However, existing pain scales are not good enough due to several weaknesses. The pain scales cannot record the data. Therefore, the data that is required to be collected day by day before statistical analyzing is not available automatically. When this happens, it affects the quality of measure and could affect the treatment. The doctor would needs a lot of time to decide on the types of treatment required. Existing tools, cannot explain the absence or presence of other types of pain condition. For example the absence or presence of itch and nausea besides the actual pain due to the injury itself. Pain Monitor and Recorder is a device designed to record levels of pain to be used in patient. This tool is used to track the progress of patients through the pain experienced. The pain monitor system is a monitoring device using PIC microcontroller to measure the pain level experienced by the patient. The system will allow the user to update their pain level time after time for supervision by the doctor. Two pushbutton switches are used to measure the presence or absence of other pain conditions. The data that comes from the patient will be stored in an EEPROM memory inside the pain monitor for detailed analysis.

Item Type: Final Year Project (Project Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Medical informatics, Computer networks - Monitoring
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General)
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
Divisions: Library > Final Year Project > FKEKK
Depositing User: Mohd Hannif Jamaludin
Date Deposited: 28 Apr 2016 07:56
Last Modified: 28 Apr 2016 07:56

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